Attainment Information

Key Stage 4 & 5 Results

The tables below contains the centre assessed grades for 2021 and the validated data published for 2022.

Click here to view the DfE School and Colleges Performance Table for St Peter and St Paul Academy


Measure 2021 2022
Progress 8 n/a -0.46
Attainment 8 38 36.01
Percentage of students achieving a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and Mathematics 22.5% 24.32%
Percentage of students achieving a standard pass (grade 4 or above) in English and Mathematics 47.2% 42%
Percentage of students entered for EBacc 19.1% 28.4%
EBacc Average Points Score 3.29 3.16

Both the Progress 8 and Attainment 8 scores are based upon the results in up to 8 qualifications including English, mathematics, three EBacc subjects from the sciences, computer science, history, geography and languages, plus three other additional approved qualifications, ie RE, art, food technology, photography, sport, drama, music, iMedia, business studies.

Progress 8 score shows how much progress students have made between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4, compared to students across England who achieved similar results at the end of key stage 2.Both the Progress 8 and Attainment 8 scores are based upon the results in up to 8 qualifications including English, mathematics, three EBacc subjects from the sciences, computer science, history, geography and languages, plus three other additional approved qualifications, ie RE, art, food technology, photography, sport, drama, music, iMedia, business studies.

Attainment 8 is the average score across the 8 subjects, however both English and Mathematics are double weighted, therefore the average is calculated out of 10.

English Baccalaureate (EBacc) is not a qualification, it is a measure used to provide information about a particular range of qualifications.

A student is considered to have entered for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) if they entered for qualifications in English, mathematics, at least 2 science, a language and either history or geography.

For more information on performance measures, visit the Department for Education’s website.


16-18 Performance Tables – St Peter and St Paul Academy

Measure 2021 2022
Overall Pass Rate (all qualifications) 100% 96%
A Level Progress Score n/a 27.94
A Level average grade B+ C-
Applied General Progress Score n/a 28.33
Applied General average grade Distinction Merit+

Retention 2021-2023

The 2023 leavers fall under the Raising the Participation Age legislation, requiring all leavers to stay in learning until their 18th birthday. The table below shows those students who left statutory education in 2023 and their level of participation as at 1st November 2023.

2021 2022 2023
Cohort Year 11 91 77 111
RPA Year 11 85 71 104
RPA Year 11 % 93.4% 92.2% 93.7%
Cohort Year 12 31 36 24
RPA Year 12 30 36 21
RPA Year 12 % 96.8% 100%

Destinations (2019 Leavers)

The proportion of 16-18 students that progressed to degrees, higher apprenticeships or other study at level 4 or above for at least 6 consecutive months in the 2 years after taking advanced level qualifications (level 3).

Higher Apprenticeships 0%
Degrees 48%
Other study at Level 4 or 5 10%