Post 16 Bursary

16-19 Bursary – Application Form

Bursary Policy 2024-25


The 16-19 Bursary Fund provides support for sixth form students in financial need and is administered by the Our Lady of Lourdes Multi Academy Trust.   You could get a bursary worth up to £1,200, depending on your circumstances and benefits.


You must:

  • be at least 16 and under 19 on 31 August 2019
  • study at a publicly funded school or college, or be on an unpaid training course
  • meet the residency requirements – your school or college can check this
  • Provide receipts for all items you wish to claim on the Bursary

Bursary for students in vulnerable groups

You could get up to £1,200 if at least one of the following applies:

  • you’re in or recently left local authority care
  • you get Income Support or Universal Credit because you’re financially supporting yourself
  • you get Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in your name and either Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit
  • you get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in your name and either ESA or Universal Credit

You may get the full amount if you have expenses and study full-time on a course of at least 30 weeks.

You’ll usually get less than the full amount, or no bursary, if one of the following apply:

  • your course is shorter than 30 weeks
  • you study part time
  • you have few expenses

You’ll be told what evidence you need, for example benefit letters.

Discretionary bursary

The Trust will look at your individual circumstances – this usually includes your family income.

You can apply to a discretionary bursary if you’re over 19 and either:


Those wishing to apply for a bursary must complete the application form and submit it during September of each year.  Hard copies of the application form can be found in the Sixth Form area. (If your circumstances deteriorate during the academic year, you should speak to Mr Penney (Head of Sixth Form).


Any queries relating to an application should be made to Mr Penney in the first instance.

Further information is available by visiting: