Special Educational Needs and Disability

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Academy is committed to the process of removing barriers to achievement for students who may require additional provision and resources to support their learning. We aim to be an inclusive school and believe that all students, including those identified as having special educational or a disability, have a common entitlement to a broad, balanced academic and social curriculum. This should be accessible to them and fully include them in all aspects of school life.

Students with special educational needs have learning difficulties or disabilities that may make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. These children may need extra or different help from that given to other children of the same age.

The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice lies at the heart of our school’s SEN policy and sets out the processes and procedures that all organisations should follow to meet the needs of students. The Government produced a new special needs and disability (SEND) Code of Practice which was implemented in September 2014. The Code describes a graduated approach that recognises that students learn in different ways and can have different kinds of SEND. SEN support is the new category for additional support for students with special educational needs.

Currently, if further support is needed for a child the school, or parent, may request a statutory assessment of special needs.

For further details about SEN support at St Peter and St Paul Catholic Academy, please see the school SEND Information Report.

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENCO)

Mrs Hayley Sykes – SENCO

Mrs Rachel Sharp – Deputy SENCO

Support for Student and Families

PAACT are a group of parents who have children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. They run many different events for young people with ASD throughout the year and hold weekly a Youth ClubGames Club and Swimming Club.

For more information please contact; [email protected]

Lincolnshire ADHD Support Service. A frontline service for those who live or work with children and adults who have ADHD and associated BEHAVIOURAL DISORDERS. Providing support across Lincolnshire since 1996.

Dyslexia Links. The services offered by Dyslexia Lincs are provided by Melanie Stephenson, a highly qualified specialist teacher/assessor with wide experience of working with dyslexic young people in both primary and secondary settings, and of assessing students for Disabled Students’ Allowance [DSA].

Dyslexia Association

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) They provide support and treatment for children, young people and their families who are experiencing mental health difficulties. The service support children and young people aged 0-18 (24 if they have been in the care system) who are experiencing psychological distress and need support with their mental health.

The Children’s Sleep Charity. Sleep deprivation can have a serious impact on emotional, physical and mental health, many families seeking our support are approaching crisis point.

A Parent’s Guide to Supporting Siblings Whose Brothers or Sisters Have Autism

Since 2014, Understood has served millions of families of kids who learn and think differently. In 2012, our Workplace Initiative was created and has helped thousands of people with all types of disabilities find meaningful employment at inclusive companies.

A Box of Ideas  The one stop shop for 1000s of ideas, guidance and information for the home, education and employment.

Brothers and sisters come in all shapes and sizes. They have a lot in common, and they can be really different from each other. Some kids even have a brother or sister with autism.

This activity book is all about you and your sibling with autism! It’s your guide to the ups and downs of being a sibling. You can use it any time you want tips, need help, or have questions.

Autism Education Trust All children with autism are different. Autism Education Trust tools and resources are developed in collaboration with parents, practitioners and consultants with expertise in autism. They are designed to explore and build on these differences to support every single child with autism to reach their full potential.

Family Action  (SEND) information for parents can often be hard to find or difficult to access. To help parents and carers we have bought together some useful national information on key topics below.

Kids For more than 50 years, KIDS has provided a wide range of services nationally for disabled children, young people and their families. Our services cover three main areas: information, advice & family support; play and social; and learning and development.