Performing Arts

The Performing Arts Department is a busy, enthusiastic and hard-working department in which standards and expectations are of the highest level. We are committed to using God’s gift of the Arts to promote understanding, respect, tolerance, creativity and self-confidence.  We encourage and support all students to aim high and aspire to achieve their best.  Our vision is to inspire a love of the Arts and to give our young people new and different experiences of their world. The department is an energetic and vibrant part of the school that offers a wide choice of extra-curricular activities and opportunities to perform.

Since January 2013 the department has worked in conjunction with the Lincolnshire Music Service to provide high quality instrumental tuition. Students have the opportunity to have instrumental tuition on a wide range of instruments from highly skilled peripatetic teachers.

The Curriculum

At KS3, in Year 7 students are taught one music and one drama lesson each week. For Year 8 and 9, one lesson a week is timetabled for Performing Arts, studying both Music and Drama equally across the year. Students study a wide range of topics that are based around wider questions such as ‘Does the past determine our future’ and ‘Does my opinion matter?’  Warm, receptive and open lessons facilitate a sense of inclusivity which is mirrored through the structure of our imaginative curriculum that challenges students on a theoretical, intellectual and practical level.

In Years 10 and 11, students can choose to take Music and Drama at GCSE.

GCSE Drama is taught over a two year period with three hours of teacher/student contact time per week. During the course students will explore a variety of different topics: Acting, Devising, Improvisation, Physical Theatre, Theatre in Education. The course is built around three units of work: two practical and a written exam. Students will also have the opportunity to experience a number of live theatre performances across the two years of study.

GCSE Music is taught over a two year period during three lessons a week. The course is split into three components, Performing, Composing and Analysing. For the performing component of the course students have to choose an instrument to study, which includes voice and music technology. The music technology aspect of the course allows students who can not play instrument to complete the course. For the composing component students are taught how to compose using Cubase computer software and complete two compositions as part of their coursework. Students also sit an listening exam paper for the analysing component of the course. In this component students learn about music from a wide variety of genres which are split into 4 categories;  Conventions of Pop, Film Music, Rhythms of the World, and The Concerto Through Time.

Curriculum Maps

Curriculum Map – KS3 Drama

Curriculum Map – KS4 Drama

Music Development Plan

Music Development Plan 2024-25


Mr A Clark – Subject Leader

Mrs H Evans